Gsr infinifactory
Gsr infinifactory

It's that accessibility that makes Infinifactory special: not only is it clever, but it shares its cleverness with the player. The best Infinifactory solutions blow my mind, but I'm happy with my own ones too. This is the most generous game Zachtronics has made, opening up SpaceChem's lofty problem-solving up to anybody who can place blocks without sacrificing too much intellectual headroom in the process. It's nice to be able to finally give Infinifactory the outright recommendation it warranted earlier in the year. Opus Magnum is the latest open-ended puzzle game from Zachtronics, the creators of SpaceChem, Infinifactory, and SHENZHEN I/O. It's appropriate, then, that Infinifactory allows you to output a gif of your creations at the touch of a button (these have been upgraded in a recent patch, too) and that, for those who want to take things further, there's the option to create and share user-generated puzzles via the Steam Workshop.

gsr infinifactory gsr infinifactory gsr infinifactory

It's the videogame equivalent of those incredibly compulsive looping gifs of factory processes, but you made it-and the pride you experience in coming up with a solution feels 'earned' in a way that it does in few other games. There's a tremendous satisfaction to watching a machine that you've slaved over diligently follow your orders.


The genius of Infinifactory is not that it's a very well-designed puzzle game: it's that it makes you feel like a talented designer too. GSR has designed risk management strategies for miners, hedge funds and exchanges who face ongoing difficult decisions on how to manage risk.

Gsr infinifactory